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How Effective Are Google Ads at Bringing in New Customers

Originally published: January 20, 2023 12:53:14 AM, updated: February 10, 2024 07:16:36 PM

Google Ads

For a long time, Google Ads were regarded as a necessary evil without which your marketing campaign could not be considered successful. Even if your SEO strategy has given you a robust online presence, research shows that incorporating Google Ads advertising increases the number of search clicks by a significant amount. If your local company has an online presence, Google Ads may be a great investment. According to statistics, 73% of shoppers who conduct a local search go to a store within five miles of where they are right now.

Reaching potential customers near your place of business is easy with local Google Ads campaigns. Over the past few years, Google Ads has also continuously improved and added new features.

Unlike other channels, Google Ads allows you to target an intended audience because it is keyword-specific. In today's post, we'll cover more about Google Ads and how they are effective at bringing in new customers.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is an affordable form of advertising that targets qualified, in-market prospects. It can deliver a strong ROI if managed correctly, helping you grow your business's leads and sales.

It allows you to place text ads or shopping ads for your website on a search engine results page (SERP) for a specified keyword by paying for them.

How do Google Ads work?

Users of Google Ads choose the words or phrases they want to appear for in pertinent Google searches. Each time one of their associated ads receives a click, they bid on it according to their willingness to spend.

Google Ads Flow

Once a specific Google ad is live, it can rank first for pertinent searches in Google's ad bank. The links in the ad bank have a great chance of drawing traffic and generating sales because they are always shown above the list of Google's organic search results.

Because Google ads are cost-per-click, you only pay when someone clicks on your advertisement. You can set the highest amount that you are willing to pay. Google will not go over the maximum bid you set for a single click.

Are Google Ads worthy for small businesses?

Google Ads can help you be found online, especially when you're just starting out and your website is new. With over 3.5 billion daily users and over 1.2 trillion search queries per year, Google is far and away the most popular and widely used search network in the world.

Google Ads Revenue

Every single second sees an additional 40,000 searches performed on Google, each attached to a person who could be looking for precisely the products or services you sell.

Get potential customers

As scalable as it can be, a well-designed Google Ads campaign can take advantage of the daily addition of millions of new keywords for bidding. People are targeted and interacted with at the precise time they are most ready to do so.

By increasing your bids on your most crucial keywords, you can, if you have the money, further improve your chances of getting clicks. Therefore, if you bid on the appropriate keywords for your industry, you can reach potential customers just as they search for your products.

Get fast results

SEO is unquestionably crucial and ought to play a significant role in any comprehensive marketing effort. The near-instantaneous nature of the results is one of the best things about Google Ads. However, pay-per-click services like Google Ads deliver results much more quickly.

All you have to do is create your ad messaging, set up your campaign, enter your target keywords, choose your daily budget, and you're ready to go. On the day your campaign launches, you might start to see sales.

Better track conversions

If your local company has an online presence, Google Ads may be a great investment. Google will offer individualized ad options to drive sales effectively.

You will be able to measure your conversions in a variety of ways and develop a more enhanced PPC marketing campaign that satisfies your objectives and pays for itself by creating unique conversion actions for each campaign you launch.

Recommended video: How to Setup Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Tips for effective Google Ads

Tips for effective Google Ads

Clarify your goal

It's important to define your goals before you create your ads instead of starting with an ad and then making changes to suit your goals.

Use the right keywords

Tip Do you have active campaigns on Google Ads and want us to audit them for evaluating their performance? If so, a well-executed audit will be handled to help you spot issues to fix, identify areas for improvement, and give you a clear overall picture of how well your Google Ads are performing. Contact us

By reiterating their search terms, you can assure users that they're in the right place. Make ad groups using 1-3 closely related keywords. When you have ad groups closely related, you can write ads that use various keywords.

Write a short and effective ad description

Make sure your landing page URL and ad copy are precise and expressly inform the searcher that they have located what they were looking for. You can use an online summary generator for summarizing your ad description while writing and making your ad copy more specific.

Keep measuring your campaign

You can track crucial metrics when you integrate your ads with Google Analytics. You can enhance the quality of your ads, increase conversions, and boost revenue over time by gathering and analyzing these and other metrics.

Recommended video: How to Review Google Ads Performance


To be the forerunners of this new marketing era, business owners and marketers must comprehend, investigate, and utilize the new features Google Ads introduces.

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