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Search Network Campaign with Display Expansion on Google Ads

Originally published: October 26, 2021 06:43:07 PM, updated: November 19, 2022 12:00:00 AM

Search Network Campaign with Display Expansion

Image source: Unsplash

The most prevalent and well-known method of PPC advertising is running ads on the Search Network. Your advertising will be eligible to show on Google SERPs if you choose this network. If you want to reach a wider audience, you can broaden your targeting to include "search partners," which are lesser search engines like AOL.

Because it targets an engaged searcher who is on a journey to find something, this advertising strategy is quite effective.

Search advertising often drives higher conversions than display campaigns because the Search Network exposes advertisers to customers who are actively looking for their items.

You should be running a Search campaign if:

  • When you have a tight budget to work with, we recommend starting with the Search Network. This structure is more likely to result in direct conversions, making your PPC efforts easier to evaluate and justify. Once you've mastered Search, you might want to branch out to the Display Network, which can help you gain more visibility and increase search volume for your products or services you offer.
  • If you sell an "emergency" product (plumbers, locksmiths, electricians, and so on), you should advertise on the Search Network. It is critical for these industries that your ad appears when a searcher is looking for your products.

Can I mix search and display campaigns on Google Ads?

My short answer is yes. Combining the search and display networks in one Google Ads campaign is not a bad idea. Google confirms that Display Expansion on Search campaigns helps advertisers acquire more conversions on the Google Display Network with unspent Search budgets at a cost per conversion comparable to search.

Mixing Search Campaign with Display Campaign

But many PPC experts don't prefer combining both search and display networks in a single ad campaign, believing that both networks behave very differently.

Why is it advisable to create search and display campaigns separately?

Simply said, search and display networks are two distinct entities that must be treated as such. Even if these two networks are jumbled together when you inherit the account, separating them will save you a lot of time and aggravation.

To summarize, the search network refers to advertising that appears in response to keywords typed into a search engine. It's unclear how far along in the process they are. Users could be browsing, obtaining information, or simply passing the time. They may be interested in purchasing your product or service, and the point is that they're engaged in some aspect of the sales process.

Search Campaign vs Display Campaign

On the other hand, the display network takes keywords from your ad groups and matches them with websites that use the same keywords. The major search engines employ overarching themes for this procedure, and it's generally hit-or-miss unless you have a well-structured account. When it comes to the content network, people are more concerned with the content of the website they are visiting. In the thoughts of the user, your content ad is initially nothing more than an afterthought. You must adjust your entire account structure to segregate the two networks in order for a user to click on an ad and, more importantly, convert.

The primary reason to separate the display and search networks is that the content network requires you to construct closely focused ad groups with relevant keywords. You can employ more general keywords to spark matches in the content network to drive traffic to your site and enhance CTR. If you desire conversions, though, make sure your ad groups are manageable by using close-knit keywords. The importance of ad relevancy is paramount, and your keywords serve as the foundation.

Further reading:

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads

What is a Good CTR for Google Ads

Which is a Best Practice for Optimizing a Landing Page for Google Ads

Why Should You Link Google Ads Account to Search Console

After then, you must examine the display network bids in order to make any adjustments. Bids for the display network are typically substantially lower than those for the search network. In fact, if you keep them the same as the search network, you'll (likely) end up spending far too much money on the content network. Google Ads always provides you with estimates that you can utilize as a starting point. Then you can make the necessary adjustments.

Display Campaign Bid

Furthermore, the text of your display network ads cannot be identical to the text of your search network ads. It's easy to know why: the user's aim is entirely different. Users in the display network aren't interested in buying anything (at least not at first), and they're only browsing the web for information. Keep that in mind; it's critical. As a result, update your ad copy to reflect this. Within the ad group, align your ad texts with your tightly themed keywords. Depending on your ads and keywords, if your overarching ad group theme requires it, you may also want to try out alternative landing pages for content network advertisements.

To cut a long tale short, keep your search and display network ad groups separate. It could take some time, especially if your inherited account lacks this structure. As a result, you will spend less money and receive a higher return on investment in the long run.

Tip Do you have active campaigns on Google Ads and want us to audit them for evaluating their performance? If so, a well-executed audit will be handled to help you spot issues to fix, identify areas for improvement, and give you a clear overall picture of how well your Google Ads are performing. Contact us

Final thoughts

The same campaign can be created for both search and display networks. However, for each sort of ad, we recommend creating a unique campaign.

You won't be able to manually distribute impressions between search and display if you choose a mixed campaign type ("Search Network campaigns with Display Expansion").

Furthermore, search and display campaigns accomplish distinct duties for different user groups.

A search network's audience knows precisely what they're looking for. They want the most relevant results in response to a search request.

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